Hiking Path; Photo Credit Hannah Boelman
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) Overview
Sessions can last between 3-5 hours. Part of this time will be spent discussing what you want out of your session and answering any questions you might have.
During the initial part of the session we will address:
Your present-day questions
Meaningful aspects of your past
Important relationships
Past and present-day health concerns
Who the most meaningful “players” in your life have been
We will take a bathroom break after the initial interview process and you are welcome to have a small snack during this time as well.
During the hypnosis you will become very restful and relaxed. It is recommended that you wear comfortable, soft clothing for your session. You can bring your own blanket with you to the session or there will also be a clean blanket here for you to use as well. It is important to snuggle in and enjoy the sensation of relaxation that comes with a QHHT session.
Please bring a list of questions that you would like answered during your session.
Mindset it important:
Try and refrain from drinking alcohol the night before if possible and have an appropriate amount of caffeine the morning of your session.
Please drink extra water the day before if possible and plan on drinking extra water after your session as well. QHHT sessions often feel as deeply relaxing as getting a massage and similarly to a massage, please plan on being gentle with yourself afterwards and allow extra time to travel home.
QHHT is deeply transformational and healing. In order to get the most out of your session it is important to realize that all hypnosis is “self-hypnosis” and the more you are mentally and emotionally prepared to release resistance, the more restorative and impactful the experience will be.
The best practice is to “get out of your own way” and allow the experience to unfold.
Trust that your Higher Self knows exactly what you need to experience and that all you need to do is report on that experience. The session is completely confidential and any thoughts, images, or words that come into your mind are important and valid and will not be shared outside of our session.
There will be time for you after the session to label, analyze, organize, and make sense of your experience. It is important to let go of judgments and your inner critic, allowing yourself to trust the first response that comes into your mind, allowing the detail to deepen and the sensory experience to become vibrant.
A good way to practice this “non-judgmental” and observing mindset is to listen to guided meditations. There are guided meditations on YouTube and some that I recommend are from the New Horizon Holistic Centre.
If you are new to guided meditation, I would suggest starting with one of these links on YouTube:
River of Renewal or the Magnificent Garden.
Everyone can be hypnotized!
Everyone goes through the somnambulistic state twice a day right before they fall asleep and right after waking up—that is when the part of the mind that connects us to our dreams is active, and that is the part of the mind we will be working with during the session.