Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)
Balsam Root; Photo Credit: Hannah Boelman
What is QHHT?
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is a form of hypnosis created by Dolores Cannon designed to help people understand and work through the possible root origins of trauma in this life as well as in past lives; it is also an opportunity to more fully connect with higher aspects of yourself, or your soul, that can allow for profound and transformative healing.
QHHT is a truly magical, immersive, and unique experience.
Everyone has the capacity for healing through this hypnosis protocol.
EVERYONE can be hypnotized.
For more information about QHHT sessions, visit the QHHT Official Webpage!
Interested in scheduling a QHHT session? Here are some important things to know:
The Interview Process:
We will start with talking one on one so I can get to know you and understand why you are coming for a session. This process is usually anywhere between 60-120 minutes in length. We will discuss meaningful aspects of your current, present-day life, including the following:
key experiences that have impacted you
important and meaningful people in your life (past and present)
current problems or challenges
current health and wellness concerns, and
any questions you have for your SC (click here for examples of questions)
The Hypnosis Session and Calling in your Subconscious (SC):
During your hypnosis session we will be calling in your Subconscious (SC), also known as your higher self, your higher power, your Super Conscious, etc. During this time you will get answers and healing from your SC. This comes in the form that is best for you. I will also ask your SC for any answers to questions that you have.
No question is off the table. The Subconscious will always give the most appropriate information for you to have about your questions. This might mean getting a direct response for a question you have, or it might mean that you get an answer from your Subconscious based on the overall wisdom of the Subconscious, rather than details or specifics.
Please focus on FIFTEEN or fewer questions that you might have. You can check out what other people have asked in their sessions by clicking here.
Debriefing and Integrating:
This is a chance to go over your session and integrate the experience, connections to your present day life, and any questions you may have about your session. You are welcome to spend as much or as little time reflecting on your session while in the office. You will receive a copy of your recorded session emailed to you and you are encouraged to listen to the recording several times as people generally report new insights every time they review their session.
Still want more information about a QHHT session?
Click here for a complete overview!